Colin Sure Start works closely with a number of partner organisations throughout the Colin area. These partnerships help us achieve a cohesive approach to Early Years education and health promotion in Colin and give local residents the best service that we can.
We currently have service level agreements with the following organisations to support us in delivering for families and children in the Colin area:
- Barnardos Travellers Early Years’ Service - Colin Sure Start currently funds Barnardos to help support local travellers in the Colin area with children from 0-4.
Ionad Na Fuiseoige - Ionad Na Fuiseoige is a local Irish immersion family centre and crèche. Colin Sure Start currently assist the centre to provide one of our Sure Start Developmental Programme for Two Year Olds programmes and a crèche. We also use the centre to deliver a weekly parent and toddlers group and other programmes and activities.
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust - Colin Sure Start works in close partnership with the SEHSCT to deliver our Speech and Language support programmes.
Other Partners
Colin Sure Start also work alongside a number of other organisations in the area. Other Partners include:
- Cara House (St. Lukes Family Centre)
- South Eastern Childcare Partnership
- South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
- Department of Education
- Christ the Redeemer Parish
- Lagmore Community Forum
- Colin Neighborhood Partnership
- Early Years the Organisation
- Ortus
- Family Support Hub
- CINI (Children in Northern Ireland)
- Church of the Vineyard Food Bank
- South West Food Bank
- Lagan Valley Education Project
- Cash for Kids
- Save the Children
- Mount Eagles Community Forum
- Footprints Womens Centre
- Busy Bee Fruit and Veg
- Belfast City Council
- Housing Executive
- Supervalu
- Colin Family Centre
- GLL / Brook Leisure Centre
- ParentingNI
- Lynn Drake Accounts
- Colin Early Parenting Programme
- Depaul Ireland
- Tribal Fitness
- Paul Berry First Aid
- New Colin Counselling
- Colin Glen Forest Park & Leisure
- Dairy Farm Library
- Sally Gardens Community Centre
- Stewartstown Road Health Centre
- PlayBoard
Colin Sure Start, Unit 21, Dairy Farm Centre, Stewartstown Road, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 0 AW Telephone: 028 9060 1417
Charity No: NIC103284 | Company No: NI42091